Blender Game Engine

I've been attempting to put together a short game demo using the blender game engine. Hopefully I can get a full demo working. It's going to be a point and click adventure game system. I have a story i've been meaning to make into a game for a long time, if I can get a chapter of the story sorted out I will probably use that a s a base for the demo. Blender is an excellent package, and it being open source is a big plus too.

This is a quick sketch of what the main player may look like. It's a bit plain atm and lacks much character. But it's a start.

This will be more of a portfolio piece rather than a game. So hopefully I can get some nice looking things into it and have a failry competant and stable game system working. BlenderGE uses Python for the scripting, a language i've enver programmed in before. At first it was quite puzzling, but I think i'm getting the hang of it.
Maybe I can get a wip runtime up with some assets in. I'm currently trying to get the movememnt system working (pathfinding specifically) before I put any graphics in. The player is currently a cone standing on it's point.

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